300 x 300 Sized Badge
Just copy and paste this code on to your site:
<a href=http://poetrybookclub.com/><img src=http://poetrybookclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/300x300_pbc_badge_red.jpg></a>
250 x 250 Sized Badge
Copy and paste this code on to your site:
<a href=http://poetrybookclub.com/><img src=http://poetrybookclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/250x250_pbc_badge_red.jpg></a>
150 x 150 Sized Badge
Copy and paste this code on to your site:
<a href=http://poetrybookclub.com/><img src=http://poetrybookclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/150x150_pbc_badge_red.jpg></a>
Text Linkback
If you would like to add a text linkback instead:
<a href=http://poetrybookclub.com/>My book is featured on PoetryBookClub.com</a>