Paperback version please, simply a poetry collection written in 2021 of the pandemic era…
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Paperback version please, simply a poetry collection written in 2021 of the pandemic era…
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This is a Self help under category Non- Fiction by Author and Certified Life Coach Urvashi Vats. Her major concerns are Parenting, Career coaching, Building Confidence, Relationship, Personality development & Public Speaking. This book consists of the key points need to consider for a child’s upbringing.
This book highlights the areas where parents need to have a positive approach towards their kids that helps them to sail through the journey of Parenting.
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Timeless is a freshman collection of twenty-five years of poetry. Covering a range of subjects, from light hearted early mornings and magical trips to deeper and questioning moments of doubt, it follows the authors downfalls and triumphs as he navigated the past quarter century. Dive in, and enjoy the moments that helped shape the author into the man he is and the Hopes he looks to leave behind.
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Global warming is heating up Our tea kettle is whistling, and we are deaf to the sound. The Colorful Wave is a collection of poetry from the effects of global warming on a world scale. The view is from man kind, but is written in first person.
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Suggesting something beautiful and valuable that is painful when consumed, “Feast of Sapphires” covers topics both timely and universal. There are poems of psychic revolution (for those ready to put down the Kool-Aid), poems about pretense and gun control, poems about MRI’s, gambling, and mystical storms of all varieties; then, too, on a deeper level, more than a few of these poems are about the desire to surmount the collective facade in search of a kind of truth that cannot be hyperlinked. Located from Costa Rica to the LIRR, this metaphysical cartography of anticipation and despair is perfect for those seeking existential answers in the bottom of the tea, in the resonance of a thunder storm, or, even, in the ethereal high of a linguistic flight of fancy. From comedic monologues to existential reflections, from angry rants to insightful commentary, from wily narratives to verbal pyrotechnics, this is a book that aims to make you feel that, in these dystopian times, poetry is, more than ever, relevant and necessary.
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Dark love is an Emotional love story. The author explained the Dark side of love by this beautiful story of Ranveer and Sanjana.
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Planet in Peril is an ecopoetry, art and photography anthology to combat climate change lethargy from contributors aged 8 to 80! Fundraising for important charities WWF and The Climate Coalition, this is an exciting anthology which combines leading climate change research, provided by Oxford University ECI and WWF, with creative writing and passion.
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Jacob Moses’ chapbook, …and the willow smiled, takes you on a spiritual journey. Many of the poems focus on elements of the occult. Subjects range from alchemy to wizardry. Kabbalah is a heavy influence in …and the willow smiled.
Each of these poems were written in April of 2019 as part of the National Poetry Writing Month 30/30 Challenge. The aim was to write thirty poems in thirty days during the month of April. Jacob completed it in 20.
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A teenager is usually interpreted as a confused adult or an overgrown child and this misinterpretation needs to be cleared. Teenage is a completely different phase of life, the intermediate between the other two and a teenager is a different kind of individual.
Soul Spoken is a teenager’s view on the world and its constituents. After all, the world hasn’t seen how a teenager has seen it.
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About Drowning in the Floating World:
Drowning in the Floating World centers around the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, as well as the Fukushima powerplant disaster, exploring diverse manifestations and interpretations of water in Japanese culture and mythology. These poems not only bear testimony to the disaster, but also serve as a warning to our future selves—on not only the dangers of nature, but also the power governments and businesses hold over their people and environment.
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Life’s Reflection is a 15-year journey of love, anger, joy, hurt, passion and the pain. Liela journeys through her struggles by writing about them. Her journeys in writing take you through the collides of life, strength and power. She took the pain, the hurt, the anguish, the joy, the laughter and even the tears and poured them into the poetic journey of Life’s Reflection. Life’s Reflection truly is a reflection of Life – at times not her own, but life nonetheless. Having experienced the joy and pain of love; the walls of shame and the dance of freedom, Liela wanted to share the joys and pain of life with you. If you have ever been in love, there is a poem in this book for you. If you have ever had your heart broken, there is a poem in this book for you. If you love God, there is a poem in this book for you. Liela took every aspect of her life, put pen to paper and etched out the poetic journey known as Life’s Reflection. Where there was once pain, healing has come. Where there was once anger, peace has come. Where there was bondage, freedom has come. Liela’s unparalleled look at life through the lens of emotions has solidified her as a great poet and Author. Life’s Reflection will make you think, it will make you cry, laugh and believe that deliverance is possible for you.
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A collection of words brought on by everyday experiences that we can all relate to. Whether it’s love, heartbreak, emotions, or just a wondering mind, you are sure to find comfort in knowing . . . you are not alone! Take a journey into the author’s world to find meaning and truth in a world plagued by uncertainty and emotional distress. An Instant Classic!
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A definitive collection of 194 haiku that brings together a plethora of diverse natural, cultural, and geographical influences from Navarro’s life as a wandering poet-philosopher.
Navarro draws on a lifetime of learning haiku (40 years), beginning at 19 years old when he discovered its origins in the heart of ancient Chinese poetry (Sensai and Hõ Un); through the quintessential influences of the four great Japanese hokku/haiku masters, Basho, Buson, Issa, and Shiki — with emphasis on the personal pure-land nature haiku of Issa; to the classic core functional elements of kire (the cut or shift) and kigo (seasonal indication), which infuse haiku with the essential elements of zoka, ma, tathata, and toriawase, which are simply explained in an engaging Foreword. These are the core of Navarro’s haiku, seasoned occasionally with modern offshoots and adaptations. The reader will find everything from traditional English 5-7-5 haiku, to more modern renditions with fewer syllables, some gendai haiku, semantic disjunctions, and even some senryu.
While the underlying essence of his haiku is influenced and inspired by Chinese and Japanese poetry, Navarro’s haiku are thoroughly steeped in modern American nature, culture, geography, and tradition. He brings haiku to life in a way that is relatable and accessible to the modern reader while faithfully maintaining the sharp visual nature of the form.
This is as great a book for haiku poets wanting to learn more about writing haiku as it is for haiku lovers.
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Hello Everyone. This is a Book written by Me under the category Non- Fiction ( Self help) published at Qwerty Thoughts. My sincere gracias to Qwerty Thoughts and their entre team.
I have written this book with the purpose of conveying my message to society regarding various aspects related to women where change should be inherent in our way of thinking and our attitude towards various perspectives so that social issues may not arise.
Afterall the way we think matters.
I wish to convey this mesage in the form of a book aimed at the masses of people who I think may benefit.
Please Read it, share your reviews & help me in conveying this message to society.
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You will be back, is a collection of stories that begins with the first moment pain is felt and life truly begins. Using her personal experiences, it continues on with themes of fear, hurt, self-exploration and exposition. You will be back is written for the sensitive, anyone who has ever felt that pain has stolen any part of them and for the poet herself.
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The Duck Theory is a collection of poems that actually combines three smaller works. Each work represents a chapter. The War Within is a collection of poems which reflect the constant personal “tug of war” dynamic that the author faces. It encompasses and highlights many aspects of the author’s life, and inner most thoughts and feelings on many topics over the course of nearly a decade. “The Lost King” encompasses realistic fiction mixed with personal narrative as a means to tell one cohesive story with caveats to relatable topics and scenarios. The story is a captivating blend of more traditional/historical ideas of the understanding of the role of a King and the life of the modern man. Blood in the Water plays on the idea of navigating through a world of intricacies and depth, in search of one’s desired goal(s), much like a predatory shark following a trail of blood to reach its prey. The duo addresses aspects of life while on the path to their own metaphorical prey; success.
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hello, thank you very much for coming.
i’ve prepared a small book of poems for you.
they’re about humans, and the stories we tell,
covering themes of sacrifice, wonder, self-destruction, unrest and community.
i hope you enjoy them.
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Spreken and Matt Chamberlain were fans of each other’s work. They got talking. They saw parallels. Each thought the other an economical poet; each participated fitfully in the Medway poetry scene; each displayed fluctuating motivation. They both also recognised that fluency in expressing sadness could easily become a form of poetic self-harm. A gear change was needed and the lit-art project, An Assemblance of Judicious Heretics, showed them the way.
They noted that this exhibition and live performance event, which anonymously pairs writers and visual artists, essentially forces collaboration upon the solitary. They appreciated the fresh perspectives created when an artist interprets a mystery writer’s words. They wondered about doing this the other way round, each writing based on an image supplied by the other. And if the images – offered with no explanation – were deliberately boring, random, unspecific or grim, and their interpreter’s only remit was to see something positive in them, this would be poetically exciting.
It was decided. This is how they would emerge from the corners they’d written themselves into. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Or hope. Or mirth. It could be all sorts of things, but for the co-authors of this book, it has been a pleasure.
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Poetic Thoughts of a Rebel was created to make up for the flaws that were displayed in the first edition of Shawn Hudson’s poetic debut. New artwork, new title, new poems, and a preview from the next upcoming project are all waiting inside to be seen by readers. With the current state of America looking more, and more grim by the day it’s up to writers, poets, and other creatives to not only resist against a system that’s fueled by hatred, bigotry, and ignorance but to create change. Come along for the journey as we explore issues that many can relate to, but are sometimes apprehensive to speak on.
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Untamed Poetry has three sections of dark and light narrative poems. Dark Play is suspense, the unknown and a bit of twisted evil. Light Rise is light, bubbly, fun and at times humorous with maybe a lesson or two. Last but not least, Light Shade which is a bit calmer in nature and is neutral. These events are down to earth with a few still caught within the outreach of time.
Within these pages are stories situated within the arena of the unreal and its many faces. You try to fit the pieces together but somehow they don’t fit. No doubt you’ll be reading twice. Complications, experiences, mishaps and the pleasant all reside in such a place that is beyond this realm.
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Poetry lovers will enjoy this collection of poems, short line stories, and remembrances. Photographs taken by the author during the preparation of this book have been individually selected to enhance the readers enjoyment of each one. This compilation of seventy-two works covers a wide array of subjects, issues, and themes. It is sure to please students, teachers, and any lover of poetry.
This is a larger book, over 200 pages. Built-in hyperlinks allow the reader to maneuver between the table of contents, and each chapter of the book; between chapters, then back again. This allows for easier reading and more enjoyment.
The author has included a lengthy chapter describing how each of the works in the book came to be. This provides interesting background information, as well as his personal thoughts. There are also several chapters on the subject of poetry as it relates to the reader, and on the subject of poetry in general.
The poems, stories, and remembrances in this book will bring any reader hours of enjoyment. This is a book you will definitely want to keep on your carousel or desktop to enjoy again and again. The works will make one think, reminisce, and laugh. You will be glad to own and recommend this book to friends and family. Get your copy of this engaging book today!
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This is a horror/fiction novel written by Azhar Sabri, and published by Blue Rose Publishers in February 2017. It is the story of three schoolboys who, on returning from a friend’s birthday party late one night, came upon a girl in need of help due to overfueling her car. They were a little drunk and raped her in the Chronic Mansion. It was only later they discovered she was their classmate. Fearing she would reveal their crime, they killed her and what happened afterward…
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At the end of every dark tunnel, there is always light. The things that haunt our dreams, minds and hearts are often personal fears that can drive us mad. Look deep within yourself to fight the demons and rage that often, get let out of our internal cage. Take a walk down this twisted path of poetry and read writings such as “Spirit and Flesh,” “The Demon’s Seduction” and “Not Forgotten.” Cherry has certainly unearthed the demons that we face each day through her writings. Some may keep you up at night, while others will leave you thinking beyond words could ever describe.
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A collaborative poetry collection with award-winning poet Mario Susko exploring themes of love and family in a time of civil war and exile. As we all watch the heart- wrenching scenes of distruction in Syria, we share our own experiences of life and love through two very different kinds of war; his that of ex-Yugoslavia and mine in the dying years of old Apartheid South Africa. Dislocation and exile can happen to any of us and we wished to share the beauty and strength of the human spirit that finds its voice, often uniquely during such violent outbursts in our lives. 20/20 is a glimpse into the private lives of two very different histories bound by a shared insight into the love and wisdom of our very human hearts.
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Dark, confessional poetry and prose like poetry, themes ranging from suicide to shopping. A stunning Debut Collection.
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In a relationship more often than not, both parties are not passionate people. Passionate, not necessarily in a romantic sense, but about life in general; feeling strongly about goals, interests, ideas and yes, dreams and love. Usually one is a taker, one a giver. The old adage “opposites attract”, or do they? This collection of works will delve into the life of a relationship where both individuals are extremely artistic, intense, passionate about life, and fierce about love.
“Cut Both Ways” is a living, breathing body of work that exposes true human nature. From beginning to the end, this is much more than poetry, it’s an entire lifetime of the good, the bad, the sensual, and the destructive. But above all else, this collection is certainly life.
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Tobias is the second chapbook written by poet Jack M. Freedman. It takes a relaxed candor and presents a spiritual journey within the written word. Such themes include nostalgia, sexuality, and self-discovery.
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This book focuses on fictional characters that chronicle life experiences that they’ve dealt with through poetry. Each person discusses an experience that has changed and impacted them in ways they never thought of. These people only have names, race or ethnicity is not discussed because the goal is to feel, understand and relate to their experiences as human beings. Too many times in today’s society we base things off of social stigmas, race, ethnicity, social class when we are all human beings with daily struggles that no one will ever know. Life is a journey and a gift and we should cherish it with the time that we have. We also should be more open to discussing societal issues, having an open mind and respecting each other’s opinions, thoughts and feelings no matter if they’re good, bad or indifferent because at the end of the day, experiences shape who we are.
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This is essentially a book of solace with moments of menace. It comes from a writer who attempts to lower awareness of life’s big deals and thus raise up its crumbs and celebrate its gentle breezes. One wonders if Chamberlain bullies himself for the enjoyment of the reconciliation; if so, this produces a gentle poetry which can be worn on the sleeve.
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Who Will Love the Crow is an eclectic collection of crafted poetry that spans style and format. The collection speaks about universal experiences through elevated yet elemental language. It is mature, thoughtful, restrained, and written to be savored and read aloud. The text is accompanied by stunning photographic images by photographer Olivia Ellen MacDonald.
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