Tell us about yourself and what inspired you to start writing.
Reading is what inspired me to start writing. My mother was always reading and I’ve always held a fascination for books and the reading process. Once I learned to write, I wanted to write my own stories.
Describe your writing process? Is there anything unique about it?
For a narrative, I’m a pantser. Maybe a little bit of plotting but more pantser than not. I love worldbuilding most of all. My dream one day is create my own conlang. I even studied linguistics in school.
My poetry is never planned. I have strong emotions and I wait until I can process it into words. Sometimes I write a poem in the moment, on the fly. I call that freewriting. Most, if not all, of my poetry is freewritten.
Have you published any books or do you have a desire to do so?
Right now I only have one book that’s published. It’s called Pierced by Horn. Pierced by Horn is my little life philosophy. We are drawn to and praise the beauty of the unicorn. What makes it a unicorn rather than a horse is not just magic, but the most important part…the horn. Yet anticipating and loving the horn of the unicorn, we often forget exactly what use a horn is often put to in the animal kingdom. Any set of horns or antlers has the potential to be dangerous. It is an animals weapon. To be at the sharp end of a unicorn horn is to be in pain of magic, beauty, and life. There is a majesty in that pain and in every aching moment there is a lesson. To me, pierced by horn, is a concept of painful and beautiful lessons.
In this book, I’ve allowed the reader to enter a few of the wild spaces that my mindscapes often are and I’ve introduced them to some wild companions. In this book, the reader will meet Unicorn, Wolf, Tiger and Dragon. Woven throughout and between the poetry is a story being told. It’s an intimate glance into a small portion of my life.
Do you have any favorite poets or authors?
Nina Kiriki Hoffman. Ilona Andrews. Charles de Lint. Carol Berg. Patricia Briggs. Poppy Z Brite. CJ Cherryh. Tad Williams. Terry Brooks. Brom. Robert Aspirin. And just too many to fully name.
Do you have a favorite book of poetry or poems?
I love fantasy and all of its sub-genres. Fantasy is my favorite. Horror as well. Mysteries. I have so many favorite books, but I will name one here. The Silent Strength of Stones by Nina Kiriki Hoffman. I can’t put my finger on why it’s my favorite, but the feeling it gives me when I read it sticks with me.
What are you reading now?
Right now I am re-reading Quiet by Susan Cain.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing? Full-time job, pets, hobbies?
When I’m not writing, I like to read and do research. I also chat with family and friends. Watch horror movies and shows and watch anime. Video games are a favorite but I don’t get to play much. I watch a special friend play Apex on Twitch and another friend plays various games there. I also enjoy sitting outside when it’s not cold and I read oracle and tarot cards.
Are you working on a current project?
I do have another project in mind. In September 2021, I lost my son to a miscarriage in his 16th week. Since then, I’ve created a page for him on Instagram called Stories for Semaj. My next project will be a book of the poetry and journals I write for him, as well ae fables. Before he died, his father and I were making a book of fables for him. I only got one written before he died. I plan to keep writing them and they will be stories for him.
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