Tell us about yourself and what inspired you to start writing.
My name is Jordan Thomas, a 19 year old musician, poet, writer, and author. The ultimate source of my writing is God, as well as events happening in the world as well as moments of my life.,
Describe your writing process? Is there anything unique about it?
Mostly I write when I’m either in my room or when I’m around nature when there’s nothing but absolute silence. Some poems come to me instantly while others take a while to build and perfect
Have you published any books or do you have a desire to do so?
My published books thus far are Joys & Pains: Words From The Soul as well as Ascension: The Journey Continues which I write what is healing to me and what I hope to be inspiring to other people. I want those who read to get to know who I am, as well as themselves and the world around us. Most poetry is considered fiction, however, mine isn’t.
Do you have any favorite poets or authors?
My favorite poet authors include Langston Hughes, Amiri Baraka, and Pablo Neruda. Favorite non-poetry authors include Nelson Mandela, Sam Chand, Grant Cardone, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, John Maxwell, Jim Beach, Van Moody, etc.
Do you have a favorite book of poetry or poems?
My favorite books include The Bible and several books by the authors I mentioned above.
What are you reading now?
Currently, I’m reading The People Factor by Van Moody, an excellent read so far.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing? Full-time job, pets, hobbies?
When I’m not writing, I’m usually reading, singing, playing piano, and at work part time.
Are you working on a current project?I’m currently working on my third book, titled Goals High Doubts Low which won’t be poetry but instead full on content on different aspects of leaders to apply to one.
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